Industrial Visit to Waste Water Treatment Plant and Fresh Water Treatment Plant, Mohali-Chandigarh
An industrial visit to Chandigarh was organized by MM School of Architecture Ambala for the students of 4th Semester of Architecture, on 18th of April, 2018 to study Waste Water Management and Fresh Water Treatment of a City. Students were taken to the Waste Water Treatment Plant, situated in Mohali, Punjab, where the entire waste water of Chandigarh is carried to and is treated. Students were also taken to Chandigarh Fresh Water Treatment Plant in Sector 39, Chandigarh from where the entire supply of water to Southern Sectors is done.
Waste Water Treatment: Students were shown how the waste water of entire town is handled and how it is treated to make it good enough for irrigation for agricultural purposes. All the steps of treatment from receiving the waste water to making it free from harmful bacteria were shown to students. The anaerobic bacteria activity which is created in water to make it fit for irrigation was very informative. It was very educational to students.
Fresh Water Treatment: Similarly, students were taken to Sector 39, Chandigarh to show them the Fresh Water Supply System. From this facility, the entire supply of drinkable water is done to the Southern Sectors of Chandigarh. It included raw water receiving from Bhakra Canal and all further stages of purifying of water including coagulation, filtration and chlorination. Students also saw emergency reservoirs, underground tanks and pumping stations from where the water is pumped to various zones of the town.
The entire visit was very educational and informative. And it shall definitely assist throughout of their life.