Talk Show on ‘Swachhta’ – By Prof. Aradhana Jindal
MM School of Architecture organized a talk show on Swachhta by Principal Prof. Aradhana Jindal on 23rd January, 2020 with an aim to clean oneself from inside and outside which will ultimately lead to an improved environment and a beautiful world by getting self-realisation. Prof. Aradhana Jindal enlighted students with some cleanliness and hygiene facts. She told them about the importance of cleanliness and the fact that it is of various types like: personal, physical, mental, environmental, societal and how all of them are interrelated. She asked the students to indulge in healthy habits like exercising, jogging, walking, practice yoga and meditation to clean their systems from inside. She also laid emphasis on banning plastic the ultimate destroyer of the environment and opt for safe and organic alternatives. She stirred the young minds by asking them to stop aping the western society while stating the fact that Indians are the most sustainable and intelligent breed in the world and will lead the world to a more sustainable, clean and beautiful place. Towards the end of the session she asked students to take a pledge to avoid eating junk and unhealthy food, to meditate/do yoga or exercise and to never indulge themselves in bad practices like smoking and consuming alcohol. The talk show was attended by first and second year students along with faculty of MM School of Architecture. Students and faculty members appreciated the noble and informative session given by Prof. Aradhana Jindal and had a lot to take away.